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Forums - Sales Discussion - NATAL is the Wii Killer -- FOX NEWS, GMTV + More PRESS agree!

Every press reporter who has received NATAL has said one thing:


NATAL is the wii killer, it doesn't take long for trends to change!

microsoft you sneaky devil you!

EDIT: on GMTV one of em said they'd sell their wii to make sure they had enough money for this!

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links or it didnt happen...

as much as i think its brilliant tech, they really should have announced it just before releasing it with games so they can keep the hype train running.


this is happening LIVE int he world

there are no links of youtube vuds yet


Expected from stupid journalists.

Hell, this thing can't be used in a lot of games. It surely doesn't replace the Wii remote as it neither features buttons nor a control stick.

I really like Natal and I think it is cool but you should like it for what it is: A cool way to play games not a "Wiimote-killer" as there are too many games you can't play with Natal.

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Xbox Man, I'll say this right now. When you make a thread title that so obviously challenges the Wii, your gonna get 100 posts from the main population here telling you how wrong and dumb you are. We are all excited about Natal, hell it looks flippen' amazing. But please don't make such obvious flamebait thread titles. Tone it down some next time, ok?

Well, what your saying is true to the extent that Fox news called Natal to 'blow the Wii away' themselves.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.

wii killer? too little, too late. It'll have to be bundled with every 360 and go for a lot cheaper than their asing price if they want it to succeed.

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"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler


You think he doesn´t know that?....he´s only making these threads for the lulz...thing is, these 'lulzs' always get him banned haha.


should I not say anything then?

excuse me but the amount of other types of stupid threads we get isn't less

I WAS ON A BAN.....but I did NOTICE the "GT PSP looks better than FORZA 3 thread" & so on

AT LEAST I have evidence of people saying its the wii killer!