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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Muramasa: The Demon Blade. E3 Direct Feed. 1st English footage.


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Man...after seeing the great looking Japanese writing on the menys and everything kinda sucks to see plain white text. Still I cant fucking wait for this game so I can complete it and understand what the hell was going on lol.

Looks like a very enjoyable game, may buy it at about $30.


This looks pretty damn good and fun, I'd pay full price... although I'll admit I didn't like it when I saw it at first.

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Xen dont bee a fool! I expect more from you. I dunno how to hype shit up but man you have to play this game. If you dont like 2D this will change that. Its just soo good. Hack N Slash Action game with RPG elements. Its awesome.

Not to mention its soaking in Japanese and Im a sucker for that.

"At first" means 5 months ago, haha.

I'm liking this.

EDGE gave it a 6 :(

Edge gave two Halo games a 10 I dont think Id take their shit serious. Not to mention all the other low scores and Muramasa hasnt even been released in the UK and PAL.

Just watched it over on ign. creamed my pants

8th gen predictions. (made early 2014)
PS4: 60-65m
WiiU: 30-35m
X1: 30-35m
3DS: 80-85m
PSV: 15-20m