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Forums - Sales Discussion - The Official July (USA) NPD Thread (Data should be in by 6:30 PM August 23)

As the title says, data should be in Thursday August 23, 2007 - covering July 8 to August 4. 

What we know (data from the following link):


         January   February      March     April     May     June YTD Total
Wii 436,000335,000259,000360,000338,000382,000  ~2.1 million
Xbox 360294,000228,000199,000174,000155,000198,000 ~1.2 million
PS3244,000127,000130,00082,00082,00098,500 ~763,500
DS239,000485,000508,000471,000423,000561,900 ~2.7 million
PSP211,000176,000180,000183,000221,100290,100 ~1.3 million
GBA179,000136,000148,00084,00080,500113,000 ~740,500
PS2299,000295,000280,000194,000187,800270,800 ~1.5 million
        5 weeks   4 weeks    5 weeks   4 weeks   4 weeks   5 weeks 

Pachter Says:

DS - 450k > Wii - 330k > PSP - 225k > PS2 - 205k > PS3 160k > Xbox 360 115k > GBA 85k

Vgchartz says

Vgchartz for the same period (as compared to USA+Canada sales directly):

Xbox 360136,113

Vgchartz top ten software:

Software TitlePlatformJuly Total
1 NCAA Football 2008Xbox 360516,875
2 GH Encore PS2514,964
3 Pokemon D/PDS400,528
4 NCAA Football 2008PS2258,316
5 Wii PlayWii207,553
6 Guitar Hero IIPS2162,177
7 Mario Strikers ChargedWii158,713
8 Mario Party 8Wii134,980
9 NintendogsDS112,112
10 Guitar Hero IIXbox 360107,437

July Canada (NPD):

 July Can.
Xbox 36013,119

      June Canada            June USA            June Totals   Total/Canada
DS45,700561,900607,600     13.295x
Wii53,000382,000435,000      8.2075x
Xbox 36013,500198,000211,500     15.666x
PS221,000270,800291,800     13.895x
PSP18,500290,100308,600     16.681x
PS36,50098,500105,000     16.153x
GBA8,800113,000121,800     13.841x

Projection Time: 

Projected USA+Canada rates using July Canada data & Total sales/canada (for June*) in a sales extrapolation:

* June was 5 weeks, July is 4 weeks.  Also, Nintendo seems to have shipped a higher than normal amount of Wiis to Canada, since Wii Canada sales suggest Canada = 12% of North America, while all other totals suggest 5-8% 

** PSP in Canada appears to be anamoly this month, as Sony prepares for the new model PSP...

DS Projected Total: 608,313 (562,558 for the USA projection)

Wii Projected Total: 298,909 (253,490 for the USA projection)

PSP Projected Total: 97,166**(91,342 for the USA projection)

PS2 Projected Total: 281,763 (261,484 for the USA projection)

PS3 Projected Total: 242,893 (227,856 for the USA projection)

Xbox 360 Projected Total: 205,522 (192,403 for the USA projection)

GBA Projected Total: 134,950 (125,200 for the USA projection)

The Source Expects (USA July NPD):

DS - 450k-500k

Wii - 320k-360k

PSP - 220k-260k

PS2 - 190k-230k

PS3 - 135k-175k

Xbox 360 - 110k-160k

GBA - 75k-100k

What do you expect?  Any surprises?  Will NPD be similar to Vgchartz?  How will the online retailers impact NPD?

Post away!


People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

Around the Network

Do you think it'll make it into the headlines like AP, CNN, Reuters, etc. if Wii do take the lead?

Currently loving my Wii x2, Xbox 360 Pro & Xbox 360 Arcade, and Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Limited "Cloud Black" 160GB PS3






Well most mainstream websites are unaware of Vgchartz, and professional tracking agencies (the guys who actually get paid), charge money for their data, so it won't be official for a while yet...

But this thread is only about USA sales, where Wii remains at least 6+ months away from pulling ahead of lifetime Xbox 360 I don't know why you put that question here?

People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu

Numbers look good to me, and in line with my expectations.

Obviously, the big question will be PS3 & 360 sales - I think results will be closer than expected, but that PS3 will win out (and make big headlines).

Raw NPD figure predictions:

Wii: 345k

360: 145k

PS3: 155k

DS: 450k

PSP: 225k

GBA: 80k

PS2: 220k




Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

I'll probably get called a Wii fanboy for this, whatever, but did anyone else notice that the GBA, a more or less dead and dieing system, outsold the PS3 4 of the last 6 months and one of those months it was only outsold by a few thousand units?

Around the Network

twest, yep there has been heaps of posts over that whole time talking about GBA vs PS3.

Mostly casual games for the Top ten. Times really are changing.

*bangs fork and knife no table*

we want VGChartz Data

Projection Time:

Projected USA+Canada rates using July Canada data & Total sales/canada (for June*) in a sales extrapolation:

* June was 5 weeks, July is 4 weeks. Also, Nintendo seems to have shipped a higher than normal amount of Wiis to Canada, since Wii Canada sales suggest Canada = 12% of North America, while all other totals suggest 5-8%

** PSP in Canada appears to be anamoly this month, as Sony prepares for the new model PSP...

DS Projected Total: 608,313 (562,558 for the USA projection)

Wii Projected Total: 298,909 (253,490 for the USA projection)

PSP Projected Total: 97,166**(91,342 for the USA projection)

PS2 Projected Total: 281,763 (261,484 for the USA projection)

PS3 Projected Total: 242,893 (227,856 for the USA projection)

Xbox 360 Projected Total: 205,522 (192,403 for the USA projection)

GBA Projected Total: 134,950 (125,200 for the USA projection)

The Source Expects (USA July NPD):

DS - 450k-500k

Wii - 320k-360k

PSP - 220k-260k

PS2 - 190k-230k

PS3 - 135k-175k

Xbox 360 - 110k-160k

GBA - 75k-100k

What do you expect? Any surprises? Will NPD be similar to Vgchartz? How will the online retailers impact NPD?

Post away!


Way lower PSP numbers. I think a little lack of supply and the PSP Slim announced hurt the system alot. 150k total. DS seems a little low to me, but everything else should be right on track.


TheSource said:

Well most mainstream websites are unaware of Vgchartz, and professional tracking agencies (the guys who actually get paid), charge money for their data, so it won't be official for a while yet...

 For now TheSource. For now.