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Forums - Sales Discussion - VGC Sunstantially Mistracking the 360 in "Others"

VGC puts the Q3 sales of the 360 sales on 1.85M.  Microsoft reported a for the same Q3 period sales of 2.2M units.

Before I continue, I am anticipating the immidiate claim/excuse of "VGC counts sold to consumers units and Microsoft counts shipped to retailers units so you cannot compare".

BS. I can compare. Unless there is any compelling evidence that the retailers had increased their in-store inventory, we must assume that the amount of in-store inventory is fairly constant with small flactuations and therefore  "Shipped" is pretty much the same as "Sold to consumers".

So after this is settled, we can do the math and see that VGC undertracked the 350 WW by 350K units or about 20%. Not great, not too bad. So it seems.

But there is a problem. a big one. NPD reported for the quarter USA retail sales of 747K for the 360. Adding the customary additional 10% for Canada gives 823K total for the Americas based on NPD. VGC was counting 880K for the same period. Very close and we can split the difference and put total Americas sales at 850K for the quarter.

Japan sales for the same period are at 116K based on VGC/MC.

So together Japan + Americas together are totaling 966K for the period.

So this means that Microsoft sold 2,200K - 996K = 1,204K units in "Others".  This is far above VGC estimates of 854K units in "Others" for the period.

So VGC was undertracking Microsoft in "Others" by over 40% for a full quarter!!!

Just as significant is the fact that "Others" totaled 40% more than "Americas", which is at odds with VGC assertion that Americas and Others are about the same sales volume for the 360.

These big sales of the 360 in others corresponds very well with Microsoft claims of a substantial increase in sales in Europe following the September price cut.

VGC - take notice. Something is very off.


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

Around the Network

Diomedes got banned and came back a 360 fanboy?

I'll be the first to say it....

How can you have 0 posts?

I don't know. I did post before. Not a lot. A couple of times several months back.


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

VGC is probably off, but can you blame them?

Data in 'others' (such as Korea, Taiwan, South Africa, India and the like) is nearly impossible to get. We don't know what's gone on, so there's no way to really bash VGC when I doubt they've seen any reports for the past 6 months.

Tell me: Who tracks sales in Taiwan? Korea? Both are pretty large markets for the X360 - as the X360 has led in both countries for quite some time. Yet since there are no major tracking firms in either territory, all VGC can do is guess, most likely.

It'd be nice to see that the X360 did indeed sell another 300,000 units in Others (which would make that 25m sellthrough by Dec argument even more juicy)

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Around the Network

mrstickball - good answer.

This is not VGC bashing. I know the guys are working with partial information and are doing their best to extrapulate the data they have. However, the same math that I did, they could have done also and adjust the numbers after the fact.

Moreover, moving forward, I would have expected VGC to put higher sales for "others" compared to the Americas based on this data. But alas - they are still insisting on "Americas" = "Others".

So I just had to point it out to them.


Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

mrstickball said:
VGC is probably off, but can you blame them?

Data in 'others' (such as Korea, Taiwan, South Africa, India and the like) is nearly impossible to get. We don't know what's gone on, so there's no way to really bash VGC when I doubt they've seen any reports for the past 6 months.

Tell me: Who tracks sales in Taiwan? Korea? Both are pretty large markets for the X360 - as the X360 has led in both countries for quite some time. Yet since there are no major tracking firms in either territory, all VGC can do is guess, most likely.

It'd be nice to see that the X360 did indeed sell another 300,000 units in Others (which would make that 25m sellthrough by Dec argument even more juicy)



amirnetz said:

VGC puts the Q3 sales of the 360 sales on 1.85M.  Microsoft reported a for the same Q3 period sales of 2.2M units.

Before I continue, I am anticipating the immidiate claim/excuse of "VGC counts sold to consumers units and Microsoft counts shipped to retailers units so you cannot compare".

BS. I can compare. Unless there is any compelling evidence that the retailers had increased their in-store inventory, we must assume that the amount of in-store inventory is fairly constant with small flactuations and therefore  "Shipped" is pretty much the same as "Sold to consumers".

So after this is settled, we can do the math and see that VGC undertracked the 350 WW by 350K units or about 20%. Not great, not too bad. So it seems.

But there is a problem. a big one. NPD reported for the quarter USA retail sales of 747K for the 360. Adding the customary additional 10% for Canada gives 823K total for the Americas based on NPD. VGC was counting 880K for the same period. Very close and we can split the difference and put total Americas sales at 850K for the quarter.

Japan sales for the same period are at 116K based on VGC/MC.

So together Japan + Americas together are totaling 966K for the period.

So this means that Microsoft sold 2,200K - 996K = 1,204K units in "Others".  This is far above VGC estimates of 854K units in "Others" for the period.

So VGC was undertracking Microsoft in "Others" by over 40% for a full quarter!!!

Just as significant is the fact that "Others" totaled 40% more than "Americas", which is at odds with VGC assertion that Americas and Others are about the same sales volume for the 360.

These big sales of the 360 in others corresponds very well with Microsoft claims of a substantial increase in sales in Europe following the September price cut.

VGC - take notice. Something is very off.



You cannot undertrack what does not exist.

¯¯¯¯¯¯My anti-drug™

Incandescence - you got me there. :=)

Prediction made on 11/1/2008:

Q4 2008: 27M xbox LTD, 20M PS3 LTD . 2009 sales: 11M xbox,  9M PS3

Nintendo relased PS3/360/Wii EU sales numbers for weeks 1-42.
MS says EU sales are up 62% from the previous month, so if I could actualy find those Nintendo numbers again it would be easy to figure out the 360's October EU sales numbers.

Yet, today, America's leaders are reenacting every folly that brought these great powers [Russia, Germany, and Japan] to ruin -- from arrogance and hubris, to assertions of global hegemony, to imperial overstretch, to trumpeting new 'crusades,' to handing out war guarantees to regions and countries where Americans have never fought before. We are piling up the kind of commitments that produced the greatest disasters of the twentieth century.
 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire