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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox 360 Week-in-Review

Not as much to report this week, as we are post Microsoft Gamers Day and still a ways away from E3.


Ninja Gaiden 2

Reviews for the game have started to creep out, and have been strong, but below expectations.  The game is currently averaging in the low eighties on Metacritic/Game Rankings, and is therefore likely to miss the AAA classification allotted to games in my signature. 

Common complaints include (in approximate order) camera issues, difficulty levels and doing little the original didn’t do.  Other negative points listed included a poor story, though this doesn’t seem to have detracted from the overall score as reviewers were not expecting a strong story and didn’t consider it a necessity for this game.

Feelings throughout the forum community seem to indicate that this is probably the best hack-and-slash this generation so far, but that it’s fallen short of what it could have been.  Reviews seem to indicate that if you love the first you’ll love the second, but that it just hasn’t met expectations.

Also, a demo of NG2 just went up on the Japanese marketplace.


New game announcements

Venetica: This console-exclusive (for now) RPG looks like it will add to the Xbox 360’s formidable line-up within the genre.  Early screenshots are unimpressive, but the game looks very nice in motion:


The game has a very interesting premise, based around death and its ability to stalk people.  Whilst not due until “2009” the game looks like it will be another one to look out for.  Zenfolder pointed out that it looks slightly similar to Fable.  Whilst nothing could touch the sheer awesomeness that is the Fable series, comparisons to that game can only bode well.


Shaun White Snowboarding

The most interesting things about this title (too me) are the promises from Ubisoft that it will feature:

·         Open World Mountains: Choose how you ride in open-world mountains across the world. Conquer extreme peak conditions, create your own paths in the back country, or compete with fellow riders in the terrain parks.

·         Authentic Snowboarding: Ubisoft has worked closely with Shaun White to infuse the gaming experience with authenticity, personality and humor. Shaun is a friend and mentor in the game, and will help you with your skills. And, if you are deemed worthy, you may even be able to play as Shaun in the game …


Prince of Persia

This title is in here because I am unsure if it had been officially announced prior to Ubidays.  The HD CGI trailer can be found here:

It looks extremely impressive but unfortunately, speculation that the Prince’s new partner would lead to co-operative play has been shot down by the developers.


Beyond Good and Evil 2

I know nothing about this series, but the sequel was announced, along with a trailer.


Ubidays 2008

In addition to Prince of Persia, Ubidays brought us new trailers from many other games, as well as information about some of the massive publishers other titles.

There was a new trailer from the first dog-fighting Tom Clancy game H.A.W.X. as well as the announcement of the above titles BGaE2 and SWS.  Then, there was an amazing trailer for Far Cry 2 that had console owners drooling and PC fans downplaying the graphical brilliance.

Trailers for all the Ubisoft games can be found here:

The Far Cry 2 thread that features this stunning quote from the mod that just banned me twice for trolling can be found here:

“Except for the pop-in, slowdown, weak 30FPS framerate, and lower resolution it looks exactly like the PC version. 

That's like saying "Except for this knife in the back of my head, I feel great!"”


Rumours and other info

It appears that Bioshock (which was just announced for PS3) will be seeing extra content on all three platforms.

There is speculation that Haze will appear on Xbox 360 in December.  This speculation was accompanied by 360 fans jokingly claiming they don’t want the game on their console, PS3 fans jokingly claiming that the game’s exclusivity was never important to them, and starcraft making a perfectly reasonable joke about the game’s inadequacies, and those of its developers, which subsequently got him banned.


Starcraft was missed

This section will be getting a related thread shortly. Maybe.


Quote of the week

Once again the quote is from my wall, and once again it is from the magic mouth of OkeyDokey:

Damn straight it ain't summer. I'm freezing here.

Tsk, tsk Starcraft. If you wanna go around trolling, you'll have to build up a good reputation first.

You'd be amazed at the shit I can get away with :D

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Around the Network

Um this was just posted.

Edit Nvm

I just posted a reponse in the other thread, but now this comes up. Whatever, I'll copy and paste it.

Ninja Gaiden II is on my list of games to get. I'm currently playing Sigma and love it. I'm not quite familiar with Beyond Good and Evil franchise as well, I should probably do some research on it. Overall a decent week for the 360.


Lol. The population of this thread symbolizes the entirety of the VGC Xbox 360 fanbase.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

It's sad. I thought there would be a lot more 360 fans on this site. Oh well.

Also, when does Ninja Gaiden II release? This week?


Around the Network

Im here. But really nothing much is happening until later on this year anyway. I expect the mud to start flying July/August.


NG2 is still going to be a great game.

The bad reviews mainly come from people that aren't very good at it, but still, this game is still a good addition to the 360 catalogue.

I guess if it wasn't for the camera (that has plagued NG before) this game would've been AAA. You usually expect the difficulty in the game to be high, being Ninja Gaiden.

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

hey starcraft,,, you're back.

hope you last longer this time,,,come on man ,take okey's comment seriously ;)

anyways,,,Haze will not be the only sub HD game ,,,NG2 is runing at 585 natively,,,it really seems the game was rushed,,,but it's still a very good game.




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