Approved by RavenXtra <3
We started with 721 Pokemon and now only 360 remain. Welcome to round 2 of the Ultimate Pokemon tournament Generations 1 - 6, where only 1 Pokemon will come out on top. Round 2 consists of 20 rounds and 18 Pokemon where 12 Pokemon from each round will advance and places 13th and 14th will have a chance at redemption in one of the 4 loser rounds. Rounds will go up around 12pm EST.
Even though there are 18 Pokemon per round you are only voting for the 10 you think should advance like in the example below:
10p Wartortle
9p Squirtle
8p cyndaquil
7p chimchar
6p turtwig
5p poliwag
4p caterpie
3p Pikachu
2p Gogoat
1p Pichu
The Top 12 Pokemon for each round will advance to round 3 and 13th and 14th will have a chance at redemption in the loser round.
Round 2 Match 19 Results:
1) Ampharos 73 points
2) Leafeon 58 points
3) Kingdra 50 points
4) Charmander 43 Points
5) Torterra 41 points
6) Combusken 40 points
7) Marowak 39 Points
8) Galvantula 34 Points
9) Slowpoke 32 Points
10) Moltres 31 Points
11) Zebstrika 30 Points
11) Victreebel 30 Points
13) Renuclius 28 Points
13) Pichu 28 Points
15) Onix 15 points
15) Magcargo 15 points
17) Sentret 10 Points
18) Voltorb 8 Points
Weezing won by a landslide in the tie breaker
We now move on to the current match of round 2
#183 Marill
#244 Entei
#492 Shaymin
#267 Beautifly
#711 Gourgeist
#381 Latios
#281 Kirlia
#560 Scrafty
#226 Mantine
#136 Flareon
#493 Arceus
#214 Heracross
#155 Cyndaquil
#655 Delphox
#151 Mew
#468 Togetic
#479 Rotom
#150 Mewtwo
Vote Your favourites through to round 3!
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