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Forums - Gaming Discussion - ICO inspired "The Girl and the Robot" for PC launches this summer (PS4 and WiiU versions to come later)

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Hmm, it does look rather interesting. I'm not a fan of the style and I feel like it could use some polish, but it looks like there's potential in this.



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Will it be better than Toren? That tried to be like Ico, looks a lot better than this yet I got bored of it rather quickly.

Ps4 and Wii U versions. Nice!

BasilZero said:
Kerotan said:
Ps4 and Wii U versions. Nice!

Dont forget about the PC version!

That's coming first.  So I'm saying nice they considered the other platforms as a secondary choice.  They could have just ignored them although that would be unwise. 

SvennoJ said:
Will it be better than Toren? That tried to be like Ico, looks a lot better than this yet I got bored of it rather quickly.

I wanted to like that game so bad. It needed tons more work though... and more than an hour of gameplay.

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It looks like it has a lot of potential. I'm just not really into the visual style. I may check it out, if it gets decent reviews.

Wii U version? Fuck yes.

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BasilZero said:
Kerotan said:

That's coming first.  So I'm saying nice they considered the other platforms as a secondary choice.  They could have just ignored them although that would be unwise. 


Oooh I see.


Yeah good point. I believe the devs said they wanted to release it on the WiiU specifically because they feel the game fits well with a nintendo home console. The PS4 version I believe is because of their inspiration from ICO.


Hopefully the game turns out well - wish there were adventure games like Ico/SoTC.

I can see it doing alright on Wii U considering the serious lack of other games releasing on the Wii U and the fact it looks appealing to their audience.  


BasilZero said:
Cloudman said:
Hmm, it does look rather interesting. I'm not a fan of the style and I feel like it could use some polish, but it looks like there's potential in this.

The animations looks a bit rough but hopefully it turns out well in the end.


Yeah, that was my concern as well, especially with the movement of the robots.



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