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Forums - Sony Discussion - 10 Years in the Making: The Last Guardian

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Interesting but he keeps dancing around why it took so long the whole time.

First they didn't really work on it all the time, no reason why not.
Then he gives a clue that engine development and game design was split between Japan Studio and GenDesign yet still says he would do that again as it makes things easier for him. However he didn't open GenDesign until 2015, what happened before that.
Next he sorta blames the transition to ps4 for extra delays, but also praises it as it compressed the optimization process. At the same time he claims they don't make a game that taxes the hardware and he would have liked to still release it on ps3. (where it reportedly ran at 2 fps)

At least the initial concept hasn't changed and the footage all looks very good. Hopefully there will be a more in depth postmortem. What the heck really took so long.

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I like how one of the first things he says is that it's not actually been in active development for 10 years and in the title they say it's been in development for 10 years. Not even sure why people would have thought that in the first place because that's just ridiculous. Same with FFXV, no way it's been in "active" development for 10 years.

"There is only one race, the pathetic begging race"

Sounds like it was in development, ran into performance issues, was put on hold, with new Japan Studio management was started up again with additional help but put on hold as the hardware wasn't powerful enough. Then came the bit where Ueda left and set up a new studio, PS4 development spec was probably shared and Ueda brought back in and the project resumed under a joint team.

Ueda probably wanted to release the game with an install base of 80k and wasn't happy until two things happened:

1) better hardware and easier to work with

2) the PS4 getting the reception it did

I think Ueda aimed really high and got burnt out in the process of being unable to bring his vision to life. As he says, he is more of an animator than game developer and the new set up, although he was unsure of it first has worked to his advantage. He can basically animate and create stories whilst Japan Studio do the heavy programming, engine building etc.