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Forums - General Discussion - Viva SONY, the Greatest!!!


Is SONY the Greatest?

Hell yeah! 27 71.05%
Absolutely! 7 18.42%
No doubt! 4 10.53%

Today I realize that, without doubt, SONY is the greatest. I know what you are thinking. “But FunFan, you are the biggest SONY hater ever!”. Thing is, I'm tired of this pretense. I always knew the truth, deep inside. I always wanted to be part of SONY circle-jerks… I mean, intelligent debates. I'm being serious. There is no catch.

There is a problem, however. And I think its root lies in the freaking oversensitiveness of gaming communities on the WWW. Trolling, flaming? Those things at worst would pass as mere mild jokes in real life. But queue gamers loosing their shit whenever someone else dislikes something they like. Never mind the fact that for an actual intelligent debate you need opposing arguments. But how dare people match a positive argument with an equally negative one. And that cruelty, oh God! We don't need honesty, we need sugar. A lot of it.

But all it's fine. Because I finally understand. SONY is the greatest. Thinking otherwise is dumb, especially if you like sticking around. After all, this is not a democracy and we reserve the right of admission. That's why there is only one intelligent debate and that's the debate about how great the greatness of SONY the Greatest is.

There is no catch. There is no sarcasm. There is no condescension. There is, simply, no choice.

And yes, you can replace SONY with Microsoft, Nintendo, Valve or whatever you want. I obviously chose out of convenience.


Moderated by -Pwerlvlamy

“Simple minds have always confused great honesty with great rudeness.” - Sherlock Holmes, Elementary (2013).

"Did you guys expected some actual rational fact-based reasoning? should already know I'm all about BS and fraudulence." - FunFan, VGchartz (2016)

Around the Network

Well, I think that Nintendo is the best company, but I won,t say that thinking other companies are better is dumb xDDD

Beautiful Tachikoma

Volterra_90 said:
Well, I think that Nintendo is the best company, but I won,t say that thinking other companies are better is dumb xDDD

Same for me x)

Sprash said:

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Around the Network
vivster said:
Sprash said:

Hm, for me it went like this.

PS1 was the greatest during it's life cycle, then PS2 was, then 360 was, and now PS4 is this current gen. That's just my opinion though and overall I'd say Sony has been the best.

Sprash said:
vivster said:
Sprash said:

Yeah I definitely agree. Imo Sony are the greatest gaming company ever. they made the best dedicated handheld and the 4 best home consoles. Without Sony I'd probably not be a gamer

I miss the days when we had a good old fashioned 7th gen triple threat match. Now, it's not fun anymore. Just play what you enjoy and don't engage in the debates. Ever. They never end well. One side is just too dominant.