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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Ninja Gaiden 3 : Razor's Edge 4th Dimension Boob Physics! oh and some game play..

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anyways, here is some dual sword and staff in action, staff is so OP.....

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It turns out i'll be able to get both Ninja Gaiden and Batman after all, so perhaps i should watch these...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

lol they move even when they (the owners of the boobs) don't

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

Team Ninja. Always having their priorities in order.

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Roma said:
lol they move even when they (the owners of the boobs) don't

just gotta move that game pad like you are uh, yeah.....

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That is one strong breeze on that peer.



Those are som bad quality boobs physics. I blame the Wii U CPU on that. I blame Nintendo for cheaping out and not allowing us to have next-generation boobs physics.

^My thoughts exactly, but it's more like the wind is knockers'em out.

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!
TripleMMM said:
^My thoughts exactly, but it's more like the wind is knockers'em out.

lol mroe like someone got the unit of measure wrong for the weight of the boobs. So the wind is strong enogh to move them around like a balloon lol.



Cobretti2 said:
That is one strong breeze on that peer.

Boobs that defy gravity. :)