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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Q&A with Resident Evel 5 producer about a possible Wii version

That basically summs up my perspectives I posted here in the past. There's a very big tech gap between the Wii and the higher specced systems (a lot of work extra work needed to downgrade and tweak), most hardcore users will probably get a higher specced system next to the Wii and it makes sense to buy such a version instead. The Wii's charm is its cuteness.

The Wii platform is dominated by upgrading Nintendo fans, kids and females mostly buying Nintendo published games (the popular franchises like Metroid, Zelda and Mario) and party games such as Wii Play, Wii Sports and Mario Party.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

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MikeB said:
That basically summs up my perspectives I posted here in the past. There's a very big tech gap between the Wii and the higher specced systems (a lot of work extra work needed to downgrade and tweak), most hardcore users will probably get a higher specced system next to the Wii and it makes sense to buy such a version instead. The Wii's charm is its cuteness.

The Wii platform is dominated by upgrading Nintendo fans, kids and females mostly buying Nintendo published games (the popular franchises like Metroid, Zelda and Mario) and party games such as Wii Play, Wii Sports and Mario Party.

 Your summation is quite excellent.

Whatever... I have Resident evil on the Cube and played 4 on the Wii...

If 5 ain't coming to Wii then i'll just buy the PS3 version... No problem for me!


His statements about 'the last core gamers' is bulcrap btw...


Finally someone who isn't afraid to speak the truth! Wii fanboys should add that post to favourites and use it to bring down their inflated egos.

might be funny but shouldnt post this if the site wants to be serious tbh

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naznatips said:
windbane said:
weezy said:
why must they continue to slap us wii owners who want epic "hardcore" games

This post was fake, but if you want epic hardcore games you'll need another system.

Yeah, man I've been so disappointed with Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, Zack & Wiki, Fire Emblem, Twilight Princess, Super Paper Mario, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles, and Trauma Center. Oh wait, did I say disappointed? Sorry, I meant the other thing. You know, happy. Keep your trolling to yourself next time pls.

Alright, allow me to clarify: If you want epic hardcore games not from Nintendo I would highly suggest you buy another system.

RE4 was a port from PS2 which was a port from GC. Other than the controls, it is the same game as the upgraded PS2 version.

I beat RE:UC and that is not "epic." It's a light gun game. Come on. Not to mention I'm pretty sure RE:4 looks better.

I am not saying the Wii isn't going to get any "epic hardcore" games, although that term is open for interpretation anyway, but the majority of games I would consider "epic hardcore" are not on the Wii.

I loved Galaxy and I get Zack and Wiki in a few days from gamefly. I'm not sure I consider Galaxy "hardcore" but then I think people are using hardcore for mainstream titles now anyway. Only the very last levels were very hard. It was a nice experience, but epic...

Whatever, the point is I expect a different type of game on the Wii. I consider an "epic" game to be pushing everything including graphics, animation, sound, online, story, etc. The Wii either can't or isn't doing those things. I expect Wii games to be fun to pick up and play, not epic.

I'm sure there are many people out there that will be content just playing the Wii. My intention was not to troll. I plan to enjoy the Wii but do not want a game like RE:5 to look as bad as RE:UC.

Edit:  Also, the outlash that was my original post is because of these threads where people are complaining that games such as RE5 and GTA IV aren't on the Wii when they shouldn't be expecting them to be, imo. 


Oh you bastard, you had me for a second ><


To Each Man, Responsibility

@windbane, RE4 Wii version is the definative version, it has the graphical polish the GC had but with all the extra features PS2 had and damned near perfect control system. [though you can still use the GC controller if you want... in fact if you do it's harder than the GC/PS2 versions because difficulty was increased so that Wiimote aiming didn't make it too easy]

so no the only difference is not the controls. Oh yeah nice thread Rol.

LOL, depite the fact it's fake this is what most developers think, I guess that in RolStoppable flame bait thread he was able to hit the nail on the head.
Great work Buddy. :)

Aj_habfan said:
Finally someone who isn't afraid to speak the truth! Wii fanboys should add that post to favourites and use it to bring down their inflated egos.

 I hear sarcasm detectors are on sale