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Forums - Sales Discussion - Japanese Retailer Tsutaya’s 10 Best Selling Vita Games for February

Tagged games:

I find it interesting so I'm sharing...

  1. Gravity Daze
  2. Ragnarok Odyssey
  3. Tales of Innocence-R
  4. Good People Die
  5. Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus
  6. Hot Shots Golf 6
  7. Dynasty Warriors Next
  8. Disgaea 3 Return
  9. Uncharted: Golden Abyss
  10. Lord of Apocalypse

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Good to see Gravity Rush on top, the character and the animation seem fantastic , must buy in June . How big is Tsutaya ?

ruimartiniman said:
Good to see Gravity Rush on top, the character and the animation seem fantastic , must buy in June . How big is Tsutaya ?

Tsutaya is one of Japan's major media retailers... It's like the Sam Goody for US and UK.