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Forums - Gaming Discussion - BF3 (almost) Final Build is Magnificent.

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What are your thoughts about this information?

They're lying out their butts. 1 20.00%
Totally awesome, re-pre-ordered. 1 20.00%
Nothing new here, knew this all along. 2 40.00%
Screw you MW3 is the best. 0 0%
You're trolling and DICE... 0 0%
See results. 1 20.00%

I know no one on this site cares anymore for BF3 except for a very small minority but might as well put this article out there to make the ignorant look even more ignorant.

"Defeating a sandwich, only makes it tastier." - Virginia

Around the Network

No you were right the first time, nobody cares.

I'm a Modern Warfare man myself, but this game does look pretty damn good. The 64 player online is also tantalizing.

spurgeonryan said:
Actually BF3 is looking great! Plus just recently they said the beta was not even close to what the finished project will be. SO this is wonderful!

Every Single Person
thats played this build has been pretty much praising the hell out of it. People just don't want to listen.

I've also read some good things about the singler player, this one article actually says it's Cod4 story mode good.

"Defeating a sandwich, only makes it tastier." - Virginia