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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vgchartz ranking game -- Call of Duty: Black Ops

Update: I have decided to give 800 MS points or a $10 PSN card (sorry Wii only users, I don't know how to get you guys anything) every 3 months to the person who I feel has consistantly had the best reviews in my threads. Hopefully this will inspire even more great reviews in these threads. Your reviews start to count on April 29th 2011 so the person with the best reviews will win at the end of July.



All you have to do is put what score you think the game below deserves, and write a brief explanation as to why it deserves that score.

Voting is open for 3 days, after the 3 day period I will count up all the scores and get the average of the game.  I will be putting up a new thread with a new game every 3 days



1. You had to have played at least enough of the game to form an honest opinion about it

(playing it for 5 minutes is NOT enough time, nor is watching a friend play the game)

2. Scores have to be on a 10 point scale with 7 being average.

3. If you score a game 5 or under, you have to go into great detail as to why you gave it such a low score.

4. A game must have at least 15 people that gave it a score to be counted.

5. If you score a game more than once none of your scores will count

6. Users with less than 50 posts cannot score a game.


Last game was Disney Epic Mickey which was disqualified for not having 15 scores.

Highest was -- 9.3, lowest was -- 5.3


Vgchartz score -- 8.15

GamrReview score -- 8.7

Highest was 9.3, lowest was 6

My score -- 9.2

Pros -- Extremely addicting in depth multiplayer, now has splitscreen multiplayer, pretty good particle effects, Nazi zombies, decent campaign.

Cons -- pretty laggy game, some bland textures, guns sound semi-cheesy (especially whe compared to Battlefield)


Vgchartz top 12 rated games




Rank Game Score
1 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3) 9.55
2 Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3) 9.52
3 Street Fighter IV (Multi) 9.40
4 Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
5 Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty (PC) 9.27
6 Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii) 9.26
7 The Orange Box (Multi) 9.24
8 Halo Reach (360) 9.23
9 Monster Hunter Tri (Wii) 9.19
10 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii) 9.16
11 Halo 3 (360) 9.13
12 New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii) 9.13



Next game is Gran Turismo 5!

To view a list of all games from every game ranking thread click here.
Thanks to Blacksaber for the kick ass logos, and thanks to trasharmdsister12 for all the help on score counting!

Around the Network


Very great game with a better campaign than Modern Warfare 2 but not quite in the same league as CoD4's.

The multiplayer is, as usual, awesome.


9.0, I pretty much agree with everything CGI said. Just that I think BFBC2 is the best shooter of 2010 and I enjoyed Black Ops more than Modern Warfare. :P

Boutros said:

Very great game with a better campaign than Modern Warfare 2 but not quite in the same league as CoD4's.

The multiplayer is, as usual, awesome.


So 9.3/10 for me.

Around the Network

Black Ops is pretty good imo but has flaws.


-  Super deep multiplayer as always.  Tons of maps and tons of different guns and customization.

-  Nazi Zombies is an absolute riot when playing with a good well communicating team

-  Campaign was IMO the best of all the COD's so far in terms of story.  The action however wasn't quite as compelling as Modern Warfare 2 or COD 4.

-  Gunplay which is the most important thing in a shooter is very tight and fast.  Great controls.

-  Stellar voice work really brings the characters to life.


-  The multiplayer ranking up system isn't as cool as I originally thought.  The whole system of building up money and then buying what you wanted was kinda lame to me, I just didn't enjoy it.  At first I though it was a great idea but in execussion I didn't really enjoy it.

-  Graphics on multiplayer are horrible.  While the campaign still looks pretty nice and crisp it still isn't a beautiful game by any means.  The COD engine is starting to show its age.

-  Overall map layout isn't quite as good as MW2's was. 

-  At times can be very laggy.

-  Alot of the same overall.  Good game but COD really needs to evolve a bit.

Overall I enjoyed Black Op's and found it a pretty damn good shooter.  Not my favorite COD but still good.  Final score from me is a


I thought the story was laughably bad until the end where it was revealed it was made bad intentionally. 

I played the multiplayer for under 10 hours because I can't really get into it. I did think it was more balanced though as in MW2 you start off with poop weapons while everyone else has uber guns and attack helicopter bullshit and such.

What I liked were the visuals of the jungle levels and the explosive shotgun.

Rating: 6.0

Such mixed feelings on this one so gonna go pros and cons

Same great  COD gameplay
More balanced online
Classic COD 4 style killstreaks as a gamemode
Generally good quality to the online maps
Some cool new customisation to online

Same COD gameplay
Graphics are horrible (PS3)
Framerate is pretty low for a COD game (PS3)
Campaign is terrible (never finished it, hated it)
Maps worse than MW2
Hit Detections isn't great


Not to say I don't really love the game, it's COD it's fun you can spend hours playing it and never get bored, and I did. But it's still the same old COD (that said multiplayer alone is probably a 9 but I really didn't enjoy the single player

I did enjoy the game. The stroy was just a little to bizarre. I expected a more realistic story. I dont care for the online either. Not my kind of shooter I guess. I'd give it a 8
