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Black Ops is pretty good imo but has flaws.


-  Super deep multiplayer as always.  Tons of maps and tons of different guns and customization.

-  Nazi Zombies is an absolute riot when playing with a good well communicating team

-  Campaign was IMO the best of all the COD's so far in terms of story.  The action however wasn't quite as compelling as Modern Warfare 2 or COD 4.

-  Gunplay which is the most important thing in a shooter is very tight and fast.  Great controls.

-  Stellar voice work really brings the characters to life.


-  The multiplayer ranking up system isn't as cool as I originally thought.  The whole system of building up money and then buying what you wanted was kinda lame to me, I just didn't enjoy it.  At first I though it was a great idea but in execussion I didn't really enjoy it.

-  Graphics on multiplayer are horrible.  While the campaign still looks pretty nice and crisp it still isn't a beautiful game by any means.  The COD engine is starting to show its age.

-  Overall map layout isn't quite as good as MW2's was. 

-  At times can be very laggy.

-  Alot of the same overall.  Good game but COD really needs to evolve a bit.

Overall I enjoyed Black Op's and found it a pretty damn good shooter.  Not my favorite COD but still good.  Final score from me is a
