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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Achievements or trophies?


Achievements or trophies?

Achievements 58 34.52%
Trophies 110 65.48%

I haven't seen one of these threads in a while so, sure, why not?

Which do you like better?  Achievements or trophies?  And why?

Notice I only put the two options and left out the "I don't care about either" or "they're both the same to me" because I want people that actually have an opinion on the two.  If you think achievements/trophies are worthless or you just don't care about them then you really have no reason to be in this thread.

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Achievements, because they make me feel like I achieved something and add GS. Having higher GS is always fun, makes it a little competitive..

19:44:34 Skeezer METAL GEAR ONLINE
19:44:36 Skeezer FAILURE
19:44:51 ABadClown You're right!
19:44:55 ABadClown Hur hur hur
19:45:01 Skeezer i meant
19:45:04 Skeezer YOU ARE A FAILKURE
19:45:08 Skeezer FAILURE*

Personally, I prefer achievements. 

I like the instancy of them in that I have this running number and that's it.  If I want to compare with a friend I simply look at one easy to find number.  If I want to dig further down, then I just start comparing games.  It's simple and quick and I like that.  I also like that I don't have to do any syncing, it's all just automatic.

The only up that trophies have over achievements for me are platinums.  I do like looking at someone's trophy card and seeing how many games they've 100%'d.


Oh, and how could I forget the sound! 

I love the little ding you get, it's so satisfying.  Whenever I'm watching something on Netflix and someone signs on, I always pretend I just got an achievement and tie it to what just happened in the movie. :-p

CGI-Quality said:

Achievements. I like that trophies allow you to level up, get platinums for finishing games and such. But achievements are so much easier to manage and really give a broader feeling accomplishment.

There's just something abou that.

The pinging!

19:44:34 Skeezer METAL GEAR ONLINE
19:44:36 Skeezer FAILURE
19:44:51 ABadClown You're right!
19:44:55 ABadClown Hur hur hur
19:45:01 Skeezer i meant
19:45:04 Skeezer YOU ARE A FAILKURE
19:45:08 Skeezer FAILURE*

i like trophies better, the level system gives me a better sense of accomplishment.  right now i'm working on getting to level 13 and once i get there i have something to celebrate.  i also love how trophies are segregated into platinum, gold, silver, bronze.  it gives me an easy way to compare my trophies to a friend, see who really completes their games from those that just play a lot of games shallowly.

really, either system is fine, i prefer the greater flexibility in comparing trophies provide.

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I really don't give 2 shits about either but I'd go with trophies.

I like how they vary between bronze, gold and platinum. Not only can you compare total number of trophies like achievement points, but you can compare stand-alone Platinum trophies.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Trophies suck since I only have like ten of them :(

Sig thanks to Saber! :D 

Trophies, because they're PS3 exclusive. Achievements, like everything else on the 360, are multiplatform and therefore worse.

In fact, not even every PS3 game has trophies, so they're extra special!

I've never messed with achievements but i do like trophies. That cool sound plus the different levels along with platinums.

I like the platinums as well. And the trophy sound better than the achievements' one too.

However, maybe because I mainly play JRPGs, I hate the fact that some incredibly masochistic and mundane trophy that would be 5 or 10 G hinders the platinum. Bronze/Silver/Gold are also often pretty random, with a lot of golds for story progression and bronze/silver for actually going out of your way to try to, well, achieve something.

Points can reflect that as well, on individual basis, but ultimately they pile up, while trophies always have that class system. There is the level with trophies as well, but hmm... level numbers always seem too low and moving too slow to me.

So, voted achievements eventhough I rarely play on the box nowadays and it's not even online.