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    L1: Ghost(289 until level 2)
    • A 2025 year old male gamer
    • United Kingdom
    • Joined on October 19th 2014, last online on 27 April 2017.
    • Profile Views: 2,349
    • Forum posts: 58 times which averages 0 posts per day
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    •   VG$ 1,100.00
    Banned (Expires: 9th Jul 10)
    Permaban - Flaming (It's cleawr that you're only here to take shot after shot at those who are theists. We've been through warnings and bans and threats... so it's time for you to leave. A bit of advice: all your demeaning and degrading posts have only delegitimized your posts and stances. Treat others with more respect going forward. Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.) ~ Smeags [7274759]
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