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HappySqurriel said:
Million said:
Sony's got to rely more on internal development and the aquisition of 3rd party developers as opposed to buying exclusives , inefective for the short term but a killer long term stratergy.


Yes and no ...

Right now that strategy will work amazingly well for Nintendo. They have massive revenues, low costs, low development costs, massive cash supply (they're building a money-bin to swim in) and solid sales which means that they can buy just about any developer they desire and fund their development without worrying about whether these games are successful or not. This may not sound like a massive advantage, but it is easier to develop talent while working on smaller projects that do not need to be released on time or to be successful than it is when they're working on larger projects that need to be released on a strict schedule, sell well and sell systems.

It still will be a good strategy for them, but Sony also needs the big titles to sell more systems in order to have the userbase to support their massive development costs.


I don't think Sony can rule out the possibility of securing 3rd party exclusives through money hatting , i'm just saying they should shift the priorities towards in house development and aquisition.