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As many, if not all of you know Sony owns a small but substantial stake in Square Enix, 8.9% to be exact*.  In a ironic twist of events they saw their stock value rise with 5.22%** today to 20.16 € and the fact that one of 2 FF13 (versus is still PS3 exclusive) games will go multiplatform to the competition provided that. I finbd it extremely funny that Sony seems to profit from the 360 fanboys who are indirectly fueling the competition.




Either this is just a stroke of luck for Sony or a brilliant marketing plan in which they use their influence to promote the PS3 version as superiour and Blu ray as a nessecity. As the second biggest shareholder in the company they certainly carry enough weight. Shareholders (1 and 2 are the same) above Sony are both Enix for those who do not know.


One thing is for sure, 360 fanboys (like the ones to be found here) made Sony a whole lot richer today. Sony thanks you for that


Edit: wtf is up with the letters?


Edit 2: for the people that don't get it. Stock value of companys you own are being counted in the value of the mother company (Sony in this case). Stock value increases of companys in which Sony has a share are part of profit. Nice tax trick if it didn't though.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979