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Well sorta i guess, so i had mine packed up a few nights in my car b/c i was

I was going to play some halo at a friend’s house, I come out the next day and the bag it was in is no longer in my car…………..:(

(this happened last Saturday)

So I call the cops and they have a guy stop by to ask a few questions and he was cool and all but told me that it wasn’t the first time someone in my subdivision reported items missing from cars…..and not to hold my breath about getting it back…I understand its not something that is proably ever going to show up ….the only thing I can take peace in was the fact that lately it had been acting up and taking forever to load games (shakes hand in air) hopefully the first time they plug it in it red rings and burns the house down much like this guy

Nothing else was missing from the car but I did have to clean up a on of junk they threw out of the glove box and middle thingy

Heres the kicker that makes me smile….my wife said I can get another one since they just did the price drop YEAH A NEW SYSTEM!!

But I am not sure how the rrod is going in the newer models and if the 299 deal is supposed to be safer, also what is up with the warranty is it the 3 year thing or not…so confused anymore, its funny once you have the system you tend not to follow it as closely but when its gone you regret not keeping tabs……oh well

Any info would be great and if you happen to see a gamer tag pop up that is mesoteto……snipe the bastard like there is no tomorrow….

I am now going by the name cant say but if i like ya i wil tell ya if ya run into me in halo