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After the nuclear strike used by MS (FFXIII go Xbox360), Sony REALLY needed to do some big moves.

Here is what I think they should have said/show during the conference :


talking about the game (still on PS3), about the exclusive release on Japan, inviting the SE boss, or even talking about FF versus XIII  would have seriously helped Sony to generate some "counter" hype (a sort of complete experience only on PS3 ...)

-  GT5

The most important game after GTA4
The one that can sell a lot of console
The one that can  crush the full Xbox360 line-up 2008-09 (ok, I go a bit far ^^)

Sony should have shown some footage, some vehicule damage, some news cars, some news track (plz bring back deep forest)

- KZ2

yes, KZ1 was average-good
yes, E3 05 trailer was CG

but mainly du to the design, the high quality gfx, the overall realization, and despite the classicism of the gameplay, each time KZ2 is shown, people are very happy with it and want to play it more.

Just look the news multiplayer video/pics

It would have been great to show a big video at E3 (new boss ?, new color LOLLL)

- RE5

I just game my hand on a preview of RE5 (from E3 08), in french, claiming RE5 is a potential game of the year with an amazing realization, an amazing gameplay (co-op) that will make others games look like crap.

And when u know MS has shown it during their presentation ...

- Motorstorm2

look at the IGN preview ... far from being bad !

- Resistance2

Seriously, the gameplay was average : just too slow and a lot less impressive than the GoW2 footage

Of course, GoW2 is in a very closed environnement, with 30 chimeras on the background that u will never really fight or interact with ...

Since Insomniac is talking about the scale they should have shown a massively big battle with plenty of thing running on the same time (a la MAG !!!, but in game lol)


why did they not try (as last year) to use HOME to present E3 with avatar ? or even a full E3 using LBP level ?

I m not a big fan of HOME but at leats, it would have been coherent ...

(tips to Sony : change the design of HOME to go from "realistic human design" to "sack boys design"
more little, better design, easier to have many in the same place ...)


so, what do you think ???

Is Sony holding back to Leipzig (1 month) ???

Was Sony completely surprised and unprepared to face the FFXIII-MS deal ???

Time to Work !