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Pk9394 said:
all I'll said, Good Luck on the Lag issue!!!! its already super lag with 50 players camping at some notorious monster spot in MMORPG, now imagine 256 players required fast input action on a FPS. I don't care how powerful your system but when you have 256 players from all over the globe fighting at the sametime, you better expect some major lag.


The PS3 exclusive games use dedicated servers to host lag free games.  In RFoM you can have 40 players in a room all throwing hedgehog grenades and bullets going through walls and each player shooting the rocket launcher off using the secondary fire which shoots 5+ rockets out of the first rocket with zero lag and no slowdown.  The same stuff will happen in R2 with its greatly improved graphics and with 60 plaers, and the same thing will happen next year with MAG and its 256 players.