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Wow there is too much to say in this thread.

First I´ll stay on topic: the bundle is not bad at all but Sony should have made a real pricecut. So for screwing europe again I have to say: (imagine Captain Kirk screaming) SSSSSSSOOOOOONNNNNNNYYYYYYY !!!!!!!!!


@ celb: calling the people who run the EU idiots makes no sence whatsoever and is just go to your room and think about what you sayed,

@ Ben: yes a lot of eurotrash think they know everything better and americans are all fat rich oil-hungry cowboys who want to bulli the world around, but thats just the people who don´t like to rethink their stereotypes and only say "Ha I knew it" when they do see them come true. I´m european and american, I feel the payne on both sides.  Everybody say "thank you Michael Moore" thank you for spreading bad stereotypes around the world.

Truth is americans and europeans have the same amount of bad stereotypes about each other and the same amout of intelligent people who don´t care about them but are not heard on the other side. Fact is europeans and americans are about 95% the same but just love to fight about the remaining 5%, so we don´t like Bush very much, big f***ing deal, last time I checked about 70% of americans don´t like him to much eather.  Americans don´t like how europeans think they know everything about america, well all the europeans who´s oppinion should matter (the open minded ones) don´t think they know everything about america, hell americans don´t know everything about america, same for europe, they are too damn complex.

Can we please focus on the 95% that we share rather than the 5% that make us different, I think both america and europe are about celebrating differences and respecting each other even when we don´t always agree.