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Don't get me wrong it was still fun, and a good game, but it was my least favorite of all. There were some neat inovations with environments and stuff. I rather liked the Cel-shaded approach but unlike a lot of fans it really didn't "blow me away". I feel Jet Set Radio Future was much better in that dept.

I guess the sailing and mini-games left me most sour. I can't tell you how many times I fell asleep while playing this game.
Also the limitations of the map of the locations (mostly due to being Islands) gave it something of a claustraphobic feel.

Personally I feel that Zelda has lost its way since becoming a 3D platform. I think this started with Ocarina. I knoe a lot of people might blow snow at this but hear me out. Legend of Zelda was the first game I ever owned (Christmas of '87) I beat it by the time I was 5. The reason why I can still go back to it and enjoy it was due to the fact exploration was free-form. I am frustrated by modern franchise releases (particularly Nintendo's) because with the vast and enormous worlds they can deliver all these damn games limit your ability to move around the map without going through some argeous process are scripted story line. I liked the original Zelda and Metroid because like 80% of the map was available at the begining, you could skip areas and comeback later or just collect a few key items and go right to the boss (provided you were skilled enough).

Not to bag on Wind Waker per se', but It just seemed to me to be the apex of this newer script story/contained playstyle (with the exception of sailing all over the sea to no progressive end) and mostly the use of findable items (grapling hook/boomerang) serving the primary person of puzzle solving rather than action/tactical. I liked the old games where you could figure out multiple uses for bombs and things and "unintentional" uses to beat minibosses quicker or random easter eggs.

Also I felt there were camera issues with both this title and the two N64 zeldas, which in my opinion should have kept them from recieving 10s for reviews. I felt I had to struggle with the camera more than the bosses.

Ocarina was too heavy handed with the Harvest Moon type stuff, interesting but I didnt like.

I feel so far like Twilight Princess is an improvement over the other 3D Zeldas, camera much better, so are controls. But its a little heavier on the can't go exploring crap and so far it's pissing me off. Also some of the tasks feel rather (we needed to test this wii compatable software)ish and feel abit contribed to me (like having to fish, or herd goats, or some of the horseback stuff, need but kinda wth to me).

I would vote for a new Zelda bieng more in the direction of Fable rather than Wind Waker. More action and more pure exploration and taking various quests rather than go here, do that, come back, talk to the owl, talk to the bird, go here, unlock that, go back, let's see if we can make you backtrack more than Resident Evil, it will just take you longer!), ok rant off!

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall." - Jim Garrison

"Ask not your horse, if ye should ride into battle" - myself