March is a critical month for the PS3, but not so much for the Wii/360 - April is their time. March will show if Motorstorm + the multi-plat games will actually help the system and move some games, or if it'll be sub-500k and just be....Meh... No one thought GRAW would be a huge title, but it ended up selling 500k its first month on 360, and Oblivion followed it at 350k - so March CAN move some major next-gen software. Question is if the PS3 will sell simlarly, or end up losing out to the 360's first year. April, we have SPM for Wii and GH2 for 360. Both titles will be either big boosts, or just do mediocre sales, which will be critical for the summer setup for both systems.
Back from the dead, I'm afraid.