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Both POVs are overreacting as usual.

Announcing FFXIII as a multi-platform title comes as a big surprise for a franchise that has been largely associated with the PS brand since FFVII, but the effect will not be the "generation deciding event" that many are making it out to be.

Case in point: GTAIV.

Similar situation: former PS brand exclusive franchise (that stopped being exclusive during the PS2/Xbox generation). Franchise is the best seller on the PS platform, and as a result, presumed to be the reason why many buy a PS.

GTAIV Result? Modest temporary bump in sales for both the PS3 and the 360. Numbering in the low/mid six figure range. Strong sales overall for GTAIV.

It's greatly exaggerating to say that millions would have bought a PS3 at even $399 for the privilege of playing FFXIII. Most of these core audience gamers would probably be opting for the $499 PS2 BC model anyway since they presumably have many of the FF titles published on the PS2 and PS.

Realistically, 2-4 hundred thousand additional PS3s might have been moved at that price point due entirely to an exclusive FF franchise debut on the platform. More if the price is presumed to be $299/399 by the time the game is released, but still numbering in the mid hundreds of thousands at best.

These kinds of numbers do not determine anything in terms of overall market share. Even the best console mover of this generation (Halo 3) did not cement the 360 in a position of market dominance past its initial release.

The way some people blow big releases out of proportion makes it seem as though they were trying to sell magazines with big exclusive scoops with over-sized headlines.