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Final Fantasy XIII The Square Enix press conference has just began with a Q&A session. Obviously everyone are focusing on the recent Final Fantasy XIII announcent:

- The game is being developed using the Crystal Tools, and there will be new footage very soon.
- Kitase refuses to announce how many discs will FFXIII be released in.
- The game will first be released in Japan, and then the localization process will begin. Then, after everything is complete, the game will be developed for the Xbox 360.
- Hashimito says Final Fantasy XIII might not be released at the same time at North American and Europe due to language issues.
- The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions will not be different.
- Final Fantasy Versus XIII is still a PlayStation 3 exclusive.
- The decision to release Final Fantasy XIII on the Xbox 360 was made not too long ago.
- The company still doesn't know if the game will include Xbox Live elements.
- When asked what is the difference between Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy XIII, Kitase replied: "Overall, the atmosphere is difference. The tempo and the speed are different. The entire direction is different. It's flashier."


It came to thought that this would be a same day release, but how the hell is that possible? They have been developing the game since god knows how long. They "just recently" decided to bring it to the 360.


So its a timed-exlusive for the PS3, and the 360 development wont even begin until the PS3 version is out. MEGATON. Sure. But the hardware boost will still go to Sony, just not nearly as large as it would have been in NA/EU now.