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Andir said:
Neos said:
Andir said:
Neos said:
Andir said:
Neos said:
Impulsivity said:
Just get a 60GB on ebay, its what I did. I traded in my 20GB, got a 60GB and now have full backwards compatibility on everything, easy.

i don't want 2nd handed things.


Then why the thread?  Sounds like Oppositional defiant disorder.  You're not looking for a solution to the problem except blaming someone else, you apparently know the situation is not remediable but you decided to post anyway...

The only thing that doesn't match is the perceived self-hatred (though this could be a method of masking such behavior by lashing out at others to hide it)

•    Arguing with adults
•    Having frequent temper tantrums
•    Seeking revenge
•    Actively defying requests
•    Refusing to follow rules
•    Blaming others for their own mistakes
•    Deliberately annoying other people
•    Easily angered, resentful, vindictive, or spiteful

"Teens with ODD show their defiant and negative behaviors by being persistently stubborn. They are frequently unwilling to compromise or give in to adults. Patients may deliberately ignore orders, argue, and push limits far beyond acceptable standards"

That could be used to describe a vast majority of teens though...

So what was the point of this thread again?  Oh right, trolling.  You know the solution is not within your self restricted reach, you are fishing for responses trying to help re-enforce said restrictions, and you are actively trying to discredit someone else (or something else: Sony and those who already bought the system?) by starting the thread.

There are multiple solutions to this problem:

1.  Buy a PS2.

2.  Buy a BC PS3.

3.  Move on, quit worrying about it, and quit trolling.

It's obvious though that you really want a PS3, otherwise you would not be posting so much about your dislikes about it.  You most likely dislike the fact that you must actually pay forward some cash to enjoy this experience and you're seeking an excuse to justify not purchasing said product.

I take this as a personal insult. Your mazda is ugly



•    Arguing with adults
•    Seeking revenge
•    Deliberately annoying other people
•    Easily angered, resentful, vindictive, or spiteful

Oh, and for what it's worth, I don't have that car anymore, and I really don't care what you think. ;)

Wow you were really useful to this thread. Insulting me and looking for stupid excuses. Perhaps you should report yourself for sillyness. I expect more mature behavior from someone at your age.


It is not I who is throwing around the insults.  Perhaps you'd like to refer yourself to the post where you insult my taste in cars?

I was making an observation.  You clearly have no will to buy a PS3, so remind me again why you are here?

I want a ps3, with BC, brandnew. That is all I ask


Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!