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jjseth said:
Timmah! said:
jjseth said:
To all of those denying it's a price cut, it is a price cut. The same exact system a week ago cost you $599.99, this week it's $499.99. Sony had discontinued the 20gb stripped down version months ago and has not been a player in PS3 sales for a while now.

So while at launch there were model's available for $499 and $599, but for the past several months there had been only one option, $599 for the 60 gb.

If you look at only the 60GB model, then yes, it does look like a price cut. I'm looking at the overall affordability of the console... it hasn't changed AT ALL. The lowest price for a new PS3 is the same as it was before the so-called price cut. I'm not disputing that they have increased the overall value, just that they have not really given an overall price cut for the product.

Many consumers might have actually concidered a PS3 for $400, but it still costs $500. My point is that I'm tired of Sony's deceptive tactics. As a consumer, I've had enough of their constant BS. I think the PS3 is an incredible piece of hardware, but I'm not very happy with Sony's management of the situation AT ALL. They've been notorious for making deceptive statements in the past. This is just another example.

To me and many others the 20gb was not an option.  We didn't want the stripped down version of the PS3, we wanted the fully loaded version of the PS3.  Obviously the 20gb didn't do well or they wouldn't have discontinued it shortly after release.   Even if Sony still had the 20gb in production and it could be bought, it still would not have been an option for me.  Why would I get a ham sandwich that only had bread and ham on it, when I could get a ham with cheese lettuce mayo, etc on it?  (Just bringing that in the conversation because nobody on this site has made a comparison of ham sammiches to the PS3)

 What is deceptive of the 60 gb model having a price cut?  Did the price on the 60GB version not get a price cut?


By this logic, wouldn't everyone skip the 60 GB model and go right for the 80 GB?  Public perception will be that if you want a REAL ps3, you buy the 80 GB model, since obviously its better.  I mean, it has an 80 instead of a 60.  When you have John Smith looking to buy a ps3, and all they see is 60 GB for $500 or 80 GB plus a game for $600, which are they going to choose?  I'd lay money that they'll say the same thing they did before, which is spend the extra money and get the obviously better version.

So Sony gets to sell a model that costs less to make for the same price they've been selling at all along, while recovering as much as they can from the more expensive 60 GB model until they get rid of all the stock hanging around.  Sounds like a smart move for Sony, but a little deceptive to the general public.

edit:  I think Sony should have at least sold the 80 GB model for $550 or something.  I think its a bit underhanded to sell a model thats cheaper to make for the same price the previous model was.  On the other hand, I won't buy it even at 500$ so I guess it doesn't matter that much.