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So I officially own a PS3, even though it's not in my hands yet (proofs). So, in keeping with what's practically become a tradition here on VGChartz, I'm now asking for game recommendations.  It ended up costing more than I expected so I probably won't get a game till my next paycheck a couple weeks from this last Friday. 

So anyway, the first two games I'll get are Ratchet and MGS4, but I'm looking for other recommendations (PSN games included).  Keep in mind that I don't really like console shooters, so make sure any of them that you are recommending to me can be bought at a budget price ($30 or less).



A few things NOT to recommend:

GTAIV (hate it)
GT5:P or GT5 in the future (not a fan of sim racers)
Assassin's Creed (have it on PC)
CoD4 (have it on PC)
The Orange Box (have it on PC)
Guitar Hero 3 (have it on Wii)
Rock Band (World Tour looks better)

-Update #2

PS3 arrived today! PSN ID: Naznatips.  Just playing demos right now, but feel free to add me!