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DarkD said:
Leave it to a Sony boy to post the most negative Nintendo related articles. I got a few others which give Nintendo a thorough tongue lashing, but did I post them? No because they are biased and more often than not have no clue what they are talking about. Nintendo has consistently delivered games which the mainstream gaming media have flunked out in ratings and whatever else they do with it. Stick to screen shots and trailers please.

How about you stick to not attacking me personally. A Sony boy? If I was a Sony boy I wouldn't have a Wii and wouldn't give a shit about this game.

So people who criticize the big N are automatically biased and don't know what they're talkign about huh?

Have you played the game? Can you tell me that it isn't going to the derivative FPS level design? NO.

How about you actually discuss the issue isntead of attacking me. Also if you think Nintendo's big games are scored low by the mainstream game media you are seriously delusional and just need to look up the scores for the last Zelda game or former Metroid games or any other traditional Nintendo game.

Seriously, you are the Nintendo boy because you are just overreacting and attacking everything and everyone who so much as criticizes the company you worship or a product by them.

By the way the preview was extremely positive overall and this was like the only complain so it was not a negateive Nintendo article.

Maybe you should have actually read the preview before making judgments out of nowhere.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!