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I can't believe the FF fanboyism, it is forehead smackingly frustrating. NOTHING changed in FF when they went to 3D game play wise, it was still exactly the same! Except you had some 3D characters replacing the sprites.

How did that drasticly improve the series. FF fanboys need to take their head out of the proverbial sand. Final Fantasy 7 is NOT the be all end all best in every possible way no matter the criteria, and this just goes to show your collective inability for rational thought.

The popularity of FFVII had nothing to do with its use of horrible 10 polygon models and linear transition animations, it was the FMV cut scenes that everyone creamed themselved over.

Any way, it depends on how you define "Best"

For me Mario had the "best" transition in maintaining the feel and play of its 2D counter part.

Zelda had the best in recreating the series in 3D overall

and Grand Theft auto had the best transition in increase in quality. The 2D games were boring, having me put the controller down a few hours in to them, but the 3D gmaes grabbed me, and had some seriously fun moments.

Overall the most important transition was, without a doubt, Mario. It defined 3D gaming and is still an amazing game to this day. Plus you got to mess with mario's face.


The worst by far was Megaman.  Megama 64 pissed me off to no end.

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