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noname2200 said:
soccerdrew17 said:

soccerdrew17 said:

soccerdrew17 said:
*Arbitary categorization of games*

*Obvious reply*

*Rhetorical question based on arbitary criteria*

*Counter arbitrary list*


*Arbitrary disagreement with arbitrary list*


I don't mean to belittle your discussion, guys, but this is a perfect example of why the whole "core" and "casual" distinction is utter bull. You can't get more than a half-dozen people to fully agree on what distinguishes one type of game or the other. In fact, games have a tendency to switch category depending on what's most convenient to the poster (prime example, GTA. Where three was a casual game, it is now a hardcore one). I know neither of you are going to heed this, but considering how shifting and meaningless the line is, why are you guys even bothering? Nintendo games are generally fun in most people's opinion, and not in a few others. It has nothing to do with the games being "core" or "casual."


i agree that many people are attacking it because of abirtary things, but they don't realize what they are attacking.

most people are not attacking casual games, but rushed games aimed at the casual market.  many games that appeal to the hardcore market are not in themselves hardcore games. 

GTA is not a hardcore game.  what do most people do in that game?  what ever the heck they feel like.  they just run around and figure out what they want to do.  that is a very casual idea, but was first latched onto by the hardcore market.  the reason people feel it is hardcore is because it is extremely polished for what it is and there is just so much to do.  those two things just make it a good game, not a hardcore game.

guitar hero is also not hardcore.  it is a rythm game, which has absolutely nothing that is situational.  the idea entirety of the game is casual, except that it was designed to have that appeal to what is considered the hardcore market.  they put in rock/metal music with a visual style made to appeal to metal heads/hard rockers.

nintendo has had a general philosphy of at least have casual aspects in their games.  where does nintendo get most of their console sales?  the casuals (yes, including last gen).  who's games do those people play?  nintendo's.  its not a surprise when nintendo makes quality games aimed at the casual market.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.