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As I've said before, the terms "Hard-Core" and "Casual" are imprecise and flawed and people defining Super Mario Galaxy (a game in one of the oldest and best received series across all gamers) demostrates this more than anything else.

There are a lot of reasons why games perform well on the Wii or any platform and it is far more diverse than a simple binary classification. The following classifications are not mutually exclusive and express the motivating factors for people to buy some games:

  • Single Player
  • Local Multiplayer (social gamer)
  • Online Multiplayer
  • Story Driven
  • Gameplay driven
  • Presentation driven (Graphics Whore)
  • Mainstream
  • Indie
  • "Mature"
  • Accessable (Kiddie)
  • Conventional
  • Unconventional (Blue-Ocean)

There are dozens of other ways you can classify games, and you don't have to define games as "Hard-Core: Everything I like, Casual: Everything I don't like"

The titles that have been the most successful on the Wii so far are Local Multiplayer - Gameplay Driven - Mainstream - Accessable games; and Nintendo has seen a lot of success from their Single Player - Mainstream - Conventional games.