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It is POSSIBLE. Everything is.

Q: When was the last time anything at all sold 1.4 million in one week in any one territory (Japan, Others or America)?
A: I think it never happened, but I'm not too sure. If anyone could prove me wrong I would be most grateful.

Q: When was the last time that the 360 came close to those numbers in the America?
A: It hasn't. Around holiday season the last two years the sales has topped around 400k.

Q: Are there really 7 million people out there wanting to buy a gaming console this holiday season?
A: America is a big continent. It might be that there are. It's unlikely though.

Q: Why would a pricecut suddenly make people rush out and buy the console when that hasn't been the case so far this generation?
A: Sorry, this answer is up to you. I can see no reason.

The real question is though, how could the Xbox 360 sell 60% of it's Life to date sales in one month when it's over two years old?

I will take note of your prediction and beat you over the head with it if you are proven wrong, unless you can show me some good reasons for it.

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