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"Should religion play a role in political decisions?"

As you said, its hard to pull them apart, as religion (or lack thereof for our athiest friends) often leads people to make judgements that favor them but negatively affect others.
So my answer is, no it shouldn't. It shouldn't be a factor either way.

A person shouldn't be told that their president is "doing God's will" (aka George Bush Jr) and thus it affecting them and their families (Iraq War)

Conversely, a person who is anti-religion should not feel the need to change slogans that were created at the founding of a nation (such as getting rid of In God We Trust on money).

A tolerance is needed. I can discuss beliefs and have a polite chat with my athiest friends, and they can respect my faith, and we never have a problem. It is the extremists that ruin it for everyone - the uber bible thumpers and the athiest who laughs in people's face when they state their beliefs.