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Timmah! said:

For example, this was not in their predictions, so they have chosen to ignore it. From Jan 07 to Jan 08, The globe experienced the single fastest temperature change ever recorded, but it was ignored completely by the mainstream media because it was a COOLING trend. Had this trend been warming, it would have been on every front page. Why?

I already addressed the media aspect in my last post to you. Now as for your link, it uses a graph credited to the Hadley Center. Problem is that the Hadley Center does not endorse that graph:

If you follow this link, it will say that according to the Hadley Centers report, 2007 was the 7th or 6th warmest global year according to its records. That assessment is inline with NASA's warmest year records.

Your link opens with the following paragraph:

Over the past year, anecdotal evidence for a cooling planet has exploded. China has its coldest winter in 100 years. Baghdad sees its first snow in all recorded history. North America has the most snowcover in 50 years, with places like Wisconsin the highest since record-keeping began. Record levels of Antarctic sea ice, record cold in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile -- the list goes on and on.

The article was written February 26, 2008. Which means that "over the past year" means February 2007-2008. If I remember correctly, which I think I do because I am a winter sportman who can't do jack on rainy winter days so I check the weather often, the jetstream at some points in January 2008 had an exaggerated curve that went up from the Canadian Rockies, dipped nearly all the way to the Gulf of Mexico and came back up at such an angle that warm front was to the West of Quebec, where I am from.

What is the effect of this? On the upper portion of the jetstream there would be a cold front which would be the result of that cold air from the Canadian prairies it would extend all the way down through Minnesota, Texas and Florida giving them their record low. The article does is not clear if the record cold was prolongued on just one day. (EDIT: Of course these last 2 paragraphs have been anectodal bases only, I know)


To those who beleive that record snowfall in Canada or increasing of continental ice in the middle of Antartica, here is an explanation for that:

""When people look at glaciers around the world, the majority of them are shrinking," said Slawek Tulaczyk, a University of California, Santa Cruz, professor who studied the glaciers.

But the seven glaciers on Shasta, part of the Cascade mountains in northern California, "seem to be benefiting from the warming ocean," he said.

As the ocean warms, more moisture evaporates. As moisture moves inland, it falls as snow — enough on Shasta to more than offset a 1 C temperature rise in the past century."

Source :

EDIT: Also plugging the hole in the Ozone layer must have helped Antarctica regenerate itself.