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.:Dark Prince:. said:

So in 2,5 months we've gone from this:

to this:

And they still have ~9 months till release. Awesome!



I think that just because that picture was released two and a half months ago doesn't mean that's how old it is. I'm sure it's much older. But the bottom one--holy fucking shit--did that ever catch me off-guard. That's a whole league better than in the first gameplay trailer.

The footage looks really good, although I think the person playing isn't trying very hard to do a good job! Seeing one alien shot in the crotch three times begs the question--will the aliens have more sensitive areas on their bodies?  Knock 'em down if you shoot them in the legs, one-hit-kills to the head, that kind of thing.  Maybe that's part of the polish they're planning on doing.  Let's hope.

Otherwise, this game just keeps getting better.  I hope it scores at least 90% because then, at long last, the Wii will have it's Halo/Resistance.  Hah.  Funny.  All three deal with alien invasion.  But then, FPS's are the big thing these days, and Nintendo has been slow to follow through.  Which is kinda sad when you think about how ahead of the curve they were when Goldeneye007 and Turok: Dinosaur Hunter launched (Turok being the first to introduce the dual-analog setup in a primitive sort of way).

Maybe this will convince Nintendo themselves to make a more refined sequel to Geist.