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soccerdrew17 said:


lets compare the amount of casual to hardcore games released by nintendo. then refute my statement.

and of those hardcore which have released recently how many are high profile? (pokemon and mario kart are casual, whether u like it or not)


*casual is not a bad thing. a bad game is a bad thing.

Actually, if you've studied the mechanics of the Pokemon battle system, you'll find that it's so unbelievably complex (do IVs, EVs, abilities, and nature mean anything to you?), I think that the next generation will only be fully playable by OCD players.  That, it seems, is the true appeal of the main Pokemon RPGs: The "casual" players who are just looking for an RPG fix can just play the singleplayer game, while the "hardcore" players can get into team planning and multiplayer battles (believe me, I got sucked into it for awhile before the depth overwhelmed me).  Basically, there's something for everyone, with depth that can be found as far as they are willing to look for it.

Super World Cup Fighter II: Championship 2010 Edition