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Do people understand kids play video games? Those mario party, cooking, pony, catz, other animal stuff, etc.. are played by mostly kids, yes of course not all kids but still. What you want kids to play metal gear solid and halo? Kids need their games also, whats the problem of those games doing well? Shouldn't kids get those games, shouldn't developers make games for kids?

Now I am not saying all nintendo games are kiddy, I love Nintendo but lots of people are pointing out catz or dogz or whatever those animal games names are and saying the game industry is going to shits. KIDS NEED TO PLAY GAMES TOO and there are a lot of kids playing (mostly see kids playing ds outside, guys don't bring their ds/psp out :p). Kids just can't complain about too many hardcore games like older gamers complain about too much "kiddy" games. There needs to be enough room for both type of games because kids do need to play games! I support games for kids movement!