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Pristine20 said:
For those nintendo fans who fail to see the problems casuals bring to the industry, I remember reading an article where Miyamoto said it took a third of the team used to develop Zelda for the wii to develop wii fit. It also took much less time. Without a doubt, wii fit would eventually rake in way more profits than Zelda. Do you see where this is heading? What do you think the shareholders would want from Miyamoto next? Another Zelda or a more advanced wii fit? Corporate greed is everywhere. You may fail to see any fault in anything nintendo has done but even they would further sponsor this demographic shift by capitalizing on the ridiculous profits from licensing Dogz and Catz. I remember back in the day when the nintendo fans used to praise nintendo and condemn Sony because of nintendo's seal of approval that every game had to meet. Whatever happened to that?

Um nintendo stopped using that seal well before sony entered the market. The Seal is one of the reasons why 3rd parties disliked Nintendo so much, and when they got the chance they left them.

Also how many wii fit owners would buy another wii fit? I don't see this happening. Unless they add alot of stuff to it I don't think it would sell anywhere as much as wii fit.