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Now here is something I was not expecting to see. I read the text and thought that this guy is a ps360 owner, but no. He has a wii, actually he is a nintendo fan. I feel somewhat shocked that I can agree with one. :)

All the respect, guys like you show us that not all the wii owners are the same.

But really, there will be good games for you someday. As someone posted before, that casual market will be saturated and of course, not all developers are aiming towards that crowd. I was a little worried when I owned a wii, but I think you don't have to be since you like nintendo games. They will (or at least should) keep you occupied as long as it will take to get good 3rd party games for wii. They will come, some day. I gave up, but that was just because I dislike nintendo games.

There is no reason to be ashamed of being casual hater, I am propably the worst case on these forums and I feel good about it. :D There are too many things to quote, so I have to say once more. I could not agree more on EVERYTHING you said.




Blah, what was I thinking.