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I'm trying to think of the best way to put this, the sales of shit games over artistic games has been going on for much longer than the Wii's lifespan. Go back and look at the sales of titles such as Psychonauts, Okami, Ico and for good measure even Pikmin. These were all great titles that got passed over for shitty titles like Big Mutha truckers and Ford Racing 3. This is not new to the industry but has gotten far worse since lazy publishers only see the Wii as a money making machine and not a place to really inovate. If you want trully artful games look to the handhelds, the only place publishers take risks. Then again if you only consider graphically intensive games as artful, than you are missing the point of what make a game a work of art and not just a corporate showpiece.

Remember your history or you are doomed to repeat it.

Viacom Boycott