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on a gaming weekend we originally decided to wake at 8 morning, shower breakfast till 10 then game till 24h. but the games we were playing we want to complete totally so we actually forgot time. we put all lights on and drink alot of engery drinks. i think i stayed awake for 32 hours. but after 2 days of sleeping 12 hours i was still tired.

altho it isnt mine there is a nice story about my grandpa. he used to work and someone he works with slept pretty bad the last time. they had to work a double shift so both worked 20 hours. so the man went home on wednesday 7 monring, and had to work thursday 7 morning. so he arrives friday morning at 7. he basically slept whole thursday so he tought it was thursday but it was firdy.

wish i could sleep that long. every day i actuall can afford it to wake late i go asleep midnight thinking hiouw nice it would be to wake around 14:00 but at 9 iam fully awake :(

life isn't complicated, just face it simple.