Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:
Yea, would have been nice if AMD had a reference model that was an anchor but it is what it is. Least supplies are slowly improving so in the coming months, should hopefully settle down and have cards that are at msrp. I usually don't do news on Saturdays unless it's interesting or worth posting about. So unless that happens, today will likely be my last round of news till April. |
It's funny because, with other launches, the complains were that AMD had only given its partners the MBA cards, and they hadn't had time to make its own designs at launch. Well, this time around AMD has done the opposite, and there are still complains because AIBs aren't sticking to the MSRP like they did with those MBA cards.
AMD never manages to get it right... or there's always some that complains about everything AMD does.
In case we don't coincide during the weekend, have fun!
Bofferbrauer2 said:
Games that keep selling instead of just during the first couple of weeks tend to not get any large discounts. RimWorld for instance never dropped below 25% despite having been released in 2018. I bought it last Fall because after 6 years I simply got tired of waiting for any steeper discount than that. |
There are a lot of games like that. Cuphead is no longer a game many people think about, yet it has never gone with a discount higher than 30%. And Stardew Valley has gotten, at best, a 50% deal.
Not every developer is ok putting its games on sale with massive discounts.
In any case, Larian does sell some of its older games with big discounts, but BG3 isn't there yet.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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