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I'd go with PS3, Switch, Xbox.

PS3 has great games (Uncharted series, The Last of Us, Resident Evil 5, God of War 3, Bioshock, Bioshock Infinite and many others).
I don't care much for any Xbox console so which one I get is not a factor for me.

Then comes the main reason for the pick! The Switch has an amazing amount of stellar new games and many, many remakes/remasters/ports of top notch games.

New games: Breath of the Wild, Tears of the Kingdom, Odyssey, Metroid Dread, Smash Ultimate, Super Mario Wonder, Xenoblade 2 & 3, Hades, Celeste
Old stuff : Most Final Fantasy games, remastered Wii & Wii U games, series collections like Mega Man, Castlevania, Devil May Cry, Metroid Prime remaster, etc...

Signature goes here!