One of my favorite experiments on VGChartz involves offering several hypothetical options, and asking people to identify the one they like the most. It's interesting to see what people prioritize and what they're willing to sacrifice.
In this instance, I jumbled up 12 consoles from the past four generations. In each option, you'll find three systems -- one from Sony, one from Nintendo, and one from Microsoft. And the three systems in each grouping will be from different generations.
One thing to keep in mind when making your choice: backward compatibility, whether physical or digital, is excluded. You can't play Gears of War 3 on Xbox One; you can't play Viewtiful Joe on Wii; you can't play Monster Hunter World on PS5; and so on. EDIT: virtual console services are also excluded.
OK, here are your options. If you could only play games released on these systems, and no other platforms, which would you choose and why?
Option #1
PlayStation 2
Xbox One
Option #2
PlayStation 3
Option #3
PlayStation 4
Xbox Series
Option #4
PlayStation 5
Xbox 360