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No. Not that I condone it but I at least get why 32X/SEGA CD. PCE CD and such were done. They did things with the extra power that the base console could not do, from audio to more going on on screen and backgrounds. Scrolling and such. Even limited 3D games and FMV games. So, at least the games took advantage of the new hardware that wasn't possible before. Technology was advancing at an accelerated rate in the 90s. PS5 Pro is not that special. You need a digital foundry video to zoom in on a game and spend 5 minutes explaining a minute change in a background. It's slightly smoother. Yup, that's worth 200 more dollars lol. We're at diminishing returns, and the PS5 Pro is practically useless if you already have a PS5.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!