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curl-6 said:
Wman1996 said:

Correct. I figured Skylanders and Disney Infinity were there but had no idea Rodea even existed.

Heck, when you consider how much Wii sold it's kind of sad that even GameCube didn't have a way worse post-replacement lineup. Twilight Princess was only day and date with Wii in Japan, coming out after the Wii version in all other regions. Madden NFL 08 didn't get particularly glowing reviews on GameCube but got some critical acclaim on Xbox 360 and PS3.

I think the reason GBA had a strong lineup is because it took until about 2006 for Nintendo to publicly acknowledge DS as the official successor to GBA. DS was risky since Game Boy Advance wasn't even 4 years old when DS launched, and it was one of the fastest-selling platforms ever. But DS made a big impact with its software and the rest is history.

I saw one of your earlier posts highlighting Xbox 360 and yes Xbox 360 had a strong lineup even after it was replaced. Xbox was nervous about Xbox One even after some course correcting and it wouldn't make sense to have 360 software dry up to nothing as early as late 2013 to early 2014. 

After doing a little more digging, Wii also got FIFA in 2013 and 2014, and it's last game was actually in 2020; a cool little retro-style GTA spoof called Shakedown Hawaii that I am actually considering getting now, cos it looks kinda fun plus the novelty of it being the final Wii game.

It did fall off quite steeply, even before it was replaced really, but I'd still say its post-launch support was better than Gamecube, or N64/Wii U.

Nintendo platforms tend to be retired in fairly short order; I expect Switch will probably be the new post-replacement champ for them, as while I don't expect its crossgen period to be nearly as extensive as PS4/XBO due to its harsher power limitations, its massive install base means it will likely still be getting lots of smaller games for years after the successor hits.

All Nintendo Handhelds say No! Nes had ~ 10 years. It was the SNES, the N64 and the WiiU that got axed right after tge sucessor came out.