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HoloDust said:
JEMC said:


I managed to find time to try a few demos as well.

The good: "Deliver At All Costs" and "Chains of Freedom". Both have gone straight into my wishlist. 

  • Deliver At All Costs is a lighthearted driving game about driving around, completing missions, upgrading your vehicle, finding collectibles and side-quests. The isometric camera only has two positions, which kind of sucks, and the handling of the vehicles is a bit loose, but on purpose to follow the theme of the game. Once the content of the demo ends, you can still play the game running around in search of the collectibles and side-quests.

Thanks, I noticed this one and saw it recommended somewhere else as well, so if I manage I'll certainly have to check it.

I've downloaded Khazan demo as well, since it seems to be highly praised, and it's Soulslike, but haven't got around it yet.

I've watched my kid play Half Sword a bit, it's physics based medieval combat sim with combat that really reminds of Exanima (which I love), so that's something I really have to try as well.

Just so many games, and so little time...

It feels like, during these Next Fests, we go from having game backlog problem to a game demo backlog one, with how many of them come at one without knowing if they'll still be available after the event.

I'd approach Deliver At All Costs with open mind and with little expectations. It's not a bad game, or it doens't look liek it will be, but it's no masterpiece, and it may not be for everone.

I'll give the two you'0ve mentioned a look, tho I'm not a fan of Souls games. I'm here for the fun and entertainment, not the challenge of dying a hundred times until I memorize a boss pattern.

But hey, look at us, talking about games and not hardware. Go figure! We're two weirdos.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.